I'm 25 years old, had some major unfortanute set backs it my life. I'm currently working and going back to a school I graduated from to re-learn some programs to get a job in the field of video production editing.
I'm currently not driving either. I'm doing what I can to pursue everything and get it in the clear. If you can understand this and want to talk to me, please do. If this is a problem, then please don't.
I want to find somebody who is open minded, shares some of my interests and is understanding of certain situations.
I also suffer from a panic/anxiety disorder, which is under controll by medications, but it's something I feel should just be layed out on the table before speaking, so nobody gets hit with something they're not ready for.
I'm very laid back and humerous. I like to joke a lot, but be serious when the situation calls for it. I do consider myself resonbile and loyal. And amogns all trustworthy. I will never betray a trust, but I won't be stepped on either. I'm just being direct as I can here,
I am a very caring indivudual and am looking for some type of connection on an emotional and physical level (Not just physical) and who can be affectionate.
I adore kids and love dogs. The only reason I don't have one is because mine of 15 years died almost 2 years ago.
I'm actually very easgoing, and like easygoing people. Everyone has good days, bad days. But overall I prefer someone who is a little more upbeat and not look at everything in a negatvie fashion, or that the world owes them.
I also like people who want a little bit of space to themsleves at times, like I do. I'm not talking about when people break up. Just time to yourself, to chill out relax. Give yourself a chance to miss your significant other.
I do like to cook. (I'm not a chef, but I try) And like to do simple little things, like taking walks, bike riding, etc.