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a reason to be pessimistic

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: a reason to be pessimistic

i was talking to my neighbor about how i signed on to thi site and how i had sent out over 20 email invites for friends to be email buddies and/or pen-pals and was having no luck.he looks at me and says"let me see what you wrote in your profile". i showed it to him-he turns to me and says" theres your problem right there.why didnt you say you were six feet tall,own two houses,make almost $200,000 a year and dont drink or smoke?"why didnt you send them a photo of a handsome guy from some magazine and say its you?""why didnt you say your looking to be some womens sugar daddy and give her anything she wants?' "why didnt you say you have two college degrees and own your own business?" i ask him-why would i say all that? he responds-"it may not be the truth,but i garantee you once they read THAT stuff,you wouldnt have had to send out even one email,they would have been coming to YOU by the dozen.because people in general are basically vain,shallow,materialistic,opportunistic and downright greedy."he went on to say-"people dont care about you or the person you are inside,they want what they can get from you." does anyone think he might be right? as for me, im begining to wonder.because if he IS right,i certainly have a reason to be pessimistic.

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September 21, 2011
Posts: 7

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`What the person said is crap. But I do see that many profiles don't tell enough about them. It needs to give a feel for the real you. I didn't look at your profile yet, but they need to tell if you work, where are you located, if you live alone or what, what your disability is (this is a pratical thing, if a wheel chair bound person needs someone who can walk, they need to know this up front), what your likes and dislikes are, what you are looking for, what you have to offer (personality, etc.). Don't lie, never put someone else's picture up. BTW sending out 20 invites when there are what 4 Billion people in the World, is a very small sample size. Lets get real, when I got my last job I sent out hundreds of resumes! not just 20. I posted it everywhere I could. So we should not be down because 20 didn't work, if you had a good profile AND you sent out 200,000 then maybe you got a problem. But I believe there is someone out there for everyone, actually I think there are many people out there for each person.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: yup.

aclpsss wrote: `What the person said is crap. But I do see that many profiles don't tell enough about them. It needs to give a feel for the real you. I didn't look at your profile yet, but they need to tell if you work, where are you located, if you live alone or what, what your disability is (this is a pratical thing, if a wheel chair bound person needs someone who can walk, they need to know this up front), what your likes and dislikes are, what you are looking for, what you have to offer (personality, etc.). Don't lie, never put someone else's picture up. BTW sending out 20 invites when there are what 4 Billion people in the World, is a very small sample size. Lets get real, when I got my last job I sent out hundreds of resumes! not just 20. I posted it everywhere I could. So we should not be down because 20 didn't work, if you had a good profile AND you sent out 200,000 then maybe you got a problem. But I believe there is someone out there for everyone, actually I think there are many people out there for each person.

couldnt agree any more.

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April 23, 2011
Posts: 4

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`i agree with u 2

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May 24, 2012
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`Sounds like George Carlin; in some ways I see the logic, but I also think that who you are matters equally and easily more. Everyone just wants to be happy, seeing as most people want many if not all of those things in the person that they're looking for. It's hard enough to balance looks and personality in as honest a manner as possible . All in all though you can't go wrong just telling people who you are, if they don't like it, there is always the chance that someone else might. As for it working or not working, I think that everyone has that problem in some way--so just stay positive.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Honesty is the best policy. If you want a shallow gold digging chick go ahead and fill your profile with misleading information.

If you want a sincere and genuine person who will like you for who you are, you def made the right move...

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