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Is it fair?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Is it fair?

[b] Recently I went out on a date with this guy I met at a dating site. We seemed to get along and flirted back and forth for a while. We were corresponding for about a month. A little over a week ago he initiates taking me out on a date. So we agreed upon going to dinner and a movie. He was a very handsome gentlemen according to the photos on his profile. But when we met face to face he did NOT resemble any of his photos he posted. He was Ok looking but hardly looked like his handsome photos. He was very charming online but in person he was bland, boring, and pompous. He rarely smiled and hardly made any eye contact with me. He always walked ahead of me, leaving me to trail behind. At dinner I opened the door for him, and a cute waiter serving our table pulled out my chair and seated me so courteously. Well lets just say I had a better time conversating with the waiter then with the Neanderthal I was with. He was as tall as a Sasquash with a personality of Ben Stein. VERY dry! All I can say is that I was looking forward to getting the date over with. I think the best part of the date from the 5th dimension was actually going to the movies. After that I went straight home! :roll:

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: awe

I am sorry your date wasn't what you had hoped it would have been. I am sure there will be more dates just not with him. don't give up on hope. I haven't been out on a date in awhile buti have had guys come over and see movies with me. it was nice. there will be other dates.......

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May 26, 2011
Posts: 1

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`I've had several experiences like that. It's the downside of Internet dating, that's for sure! But eventually you'll have a good date. I think we have to be prepared that 90% of the communications/dates/experiences are going to be less than ideal, but every once in a while you get a great date that makes up for it!

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October 16, 2009
Posts: 69

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`life is hard,but dating is harder.count your blessing its over n he got the hint.but some other poor soul will suffer the same fate from the date of the living dead..lol

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July 12, 2011
Posts: 13

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`Well Kindhearted 28, that didn't sound like a lot of fun. But we live and we learn, don't we? I haven't done any online dating myself as I'm new to this thing, but people who like it and have had experience with it say it's the way to go, as it's possible to be able to weed out those who aren't as interesting to you. But unfortunately there are no guarantees. I hope you have connected with someone not only suitable but likable. But for the record, the picture in my profile is me and hopefully if I ever meet someone on this site I won't come off as bland, boring, pompous, etc.!!

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August 11, 2012
Posts: 13

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`All I can say about the internet is taht it is like any bar...you meet many people and try your best to shoose wisely. Yes, you'll meet some who aren't the greatest but yes, we learn.
I like dinners and I'm not bothered by spending $100.00. Dinner is always worth it, good food, conversation and an insight to another person and if it doesn't lead somewhere, you both had a good meal.

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