I am a kind person, and enjoy all sorts of things - from writing music, to programming, to reading books to gaming.
I am left-wing on the political sphere, for those who are interested, although I don't mind if a potential partner is right-wing, so long as they aren't evangelists voting UKIP, as I have met a few evangelist Kippers, and it's almost as if they WANT to rile you up. I don't get riled up though, so don't worry!
My interests are pretty eclectic, but I devote the majority of my free time to improvising with my piano, in an often successful attempt at writing music. although I do less of this since becoming disabled, as I've only been disabled 18 months, and, whilst I accept it, it does still get me down, primarily the premise that I will never have a relationship - finding this site on a whim potentially attenuates that notion! The time not taken up by music is spent on a small bit of gaming, and the remainder on watching movies/TV-Shows alone and with friends/family.
Before the accident, I was employed at £25k (not trying to boast - there's a way to select for income on the site) as a Developer(programmer) and Support Analyst, which is essentially programming different systems - this is simplified though, as it's not an interesting thing to write here. I will almost certainly be branded a geek too, which I kinda am, actually!
Finally, who am I looking for? It would be great if I could find somebody who is also incontinent, but I am interested in anybody, including those without disabilities - that seems to have a probability just a few peco-percent above zero though. Most importantly, sharing my interests, especially movies/TV, and an interest in solo piano music with singing.No interests is