For starters I'm atm a 28 year old office rat, working with IT as a living. Programming and related stuff. Furthermore; I like the usual stuff like hanging out, going to the cinema and partying.
Some random tidbits about me:
- Favorite movies are Fight Club and American Psycho
- Think that I'm funny
- A bit shy
- Drank apple juice every day for 5 years
- A bit sick of apple juice
- Afraid of clowns :p
- Own all seasons of Buffy on dvd, get teased a bit by my friends about that
I'm a total movie geek. I especially like scifi and horror, but I'm not very picky. Except for romantic comedies starring jennifer lopez... I'm also an obsessive movie collector. I can't really go past a record shop without buying something.
Anyway, It's always fun to get mail so feel free to send me a message.