Joined: January 26, 2015
Posts: 7
Posted: Post subject: Does ONLINE love works??? |
Hi Friends,
I am new to this site & wondering whether i/you can find my/your love in a DATING SITE. A dating site is really a interesting place to find a love, rather than in a club or bars or mall. Thats why dating sites' popularity are increasing & will continue to gain momentum.
Well i know, finding a TRUE love is not that easy as we expect by just a few clicks. Its a tedious process that can take days, months & even years ! But i think overall depends on my/your LUCK.
But as long as we meet in person, we cannot decide anything, right?
Also how to know with whom you are dating, may be dating other person. But it is not difficult to judge a person's character.
Well i am still curious to know whether finding your love in a DATING SITE really works or not ???
Any suggestions please.