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 notinable (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: ever been made fun of? |
has anyone on this site(besides myself) ever had to suffer the horrible indignity of having people laugh at you,make fun of you,call you cruel names or make jokes about you because of your disability?or because of your physical appearance due to your disability?do you believe that you would be overly sensitive to be offended by it-that because "thats just the way people are" we shouldnt be bothered by it? or, are you like me and find this type of behavior hurtful and offensive? do you believe that we as disabled people ought to "lighten up and tough it out" because its to be expected of people who dont know any better? or do you feel we should speak up and speak out against this cold-hearted,unfeeling behavior? whats your opinion?
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 nick8472 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I was made fun of a lot for disabilities & other things as a kid. I also got beat-up a lot cuz of em as well but that's kind of a different topic but they did go hand in hand a lot. Anyways I kind of have mixed feelings about poking fun of disabilities. I like offensive humor & I do make fun of myself with my friends & it doesn't bother me when they do it to me. I make fun of them as well. But I do not like it when someone who doesn't like me is making fun of me to be mean. When someone who doesn't really know me does it; I brush it off. They may simply not understand. I don't make fun of others unless I know they're OK with it. I also do not like it when people are made fun of behind there backs. I think making fun of disableds & people in general to be hateful towards them is wrong but I think making fun of someone to be funny when they are "cool" with it is OK as long as they can make fun of you. I think the intent plays a part. I'm not sure if this makes any sense :
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Joined: January 20, 2010
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`will hell yeah ive been made fun of, but oh will know one is perfect
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 fatuglyguy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`All my life someone has used me as the but of their jokes. So yeah I know that feeling but it's their loss.
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Joined: November 29, 2010
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`My being made fun of because of my disabilties has been very cruel, & even at 54 I remember them vividly, especially because the problems I had then, are still with me. I do not always know when something is funny, I do not know how to react to most things. I want to be close with someone, but rarely know how to be, people find my behavior "weird" & are very quick to tell me even now I am a weirdo
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Joined: October 16, 2009
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`hi,first person
well,i have not wrote on here awhile..since no 1 ever respond back,but yes i n probably many more on here have been pick on,wether ur a child or an adult ppl will be rude ,ignorant n disrespectful to others.just respond by sayin look i dont know u n u dont know me,the world is full of ugliness n evilness lets not add more.may god bless u n all that
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Joined: March 1, 2011
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`Some times I feel a little of both. I was made fun of lots. If I think speaking out will make a difference then I do but some people are just so ignorant that they are not worth it. My daughter is also blind and kids can be so cruel but she is pretty good at putting them in their place. Worst thing I was ever told was by a teacher of my husbands. She saw us and our daughter out and recognized him. She approached him and said hello then asked if she was our daughter. We said yes and she shook her head and said "lord I told your mother about getting you fixed so you didn't pass you'r blindness on to a child". I told her she's adopted, we got her from an ignorant sighted person like yourself, politely smiled and walked away. See so I think it depends on the situation. I learned to choose my battles.
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 msliveshere (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
` I think you have to ignore people who make fun of you. Life with a disibility can be difficult and lonely and we certainly, already have our work cut out for us, so while you cannot change the way people act, consider their inability to accept your disibility, as a mental disability,and just know that you always have the option to vent and express your feelings to a group of people (like me) and others on this website who totally get ,you. Keep your head up high because you are not alone. Accept the things you cannot change, and the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference between the two.
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 dragonfly1873 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`High school years where hell. Especially gym class.
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Joined: April 16, 2009
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`I never had any problems at school or Uni. Occasionally kids I didn't know would make fun of me and shout abuse when I was in my teens because of my disability. A few times I've been chatted up by guys who have made a quick exit when they've found out I'm disabled, and it hurts but you get over it. I've probably been lucky because I've never had the unpleasant experiences that others on here have been through.
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Joined: March 21, 2011
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`Well I wasn't born disabled fortunately but was unlucky enough to brake my neck and damage my spinal cord now I must say I am also ex royal air force so I guess right away you are gonna see my out view on life is gonna be a bit more different as a won tech person in the forces wevare looked on as ppl who drink allot and party the hardest of all the trades we are the one who laugh at every thing and I think this mental attitude has helped a great deal in my recovery I have noticed things since being in a chair things I had not noticed before I grew up with an older sister that had mental and physical disabilities but still nothing had prepared me for my own experiences like ppl just not seeing you all the way down there in a wheel chair in my experience when traveling through a super Market people move out of the way way moving through a isle if another person comes there way with a shopping cart people move out of the way when moving through the isle if a person with a child buggy needs space but people tend not to make room for another person when they are in a wheelchair most often I get oh! I'm sorry i didn't notice you? Like they had their wheel chair blindness glasses on I have even been in the isle to get a carton of milk when out of no wherebi felt my self being pushed along the isle? When I turned round an older gent just casualy said " I needed to get some milk " then just walked away the best though I ever had was a person actually used one of my wheels to stand on to reach an item on top of another shelf try and imagine my out rage I but you can't think of the words I used to express how I felt but now going back to the ex forces and the sense of humour I started this whole story of with there are those times you can have fun my and a couple of friends play games in markets too the idea is we set a time limit example five mins and in that time you have to see how many people you can get to say sorry as able-bodied people are naturally bread to say sorry to disabled people I.e bump into an able-bodied person and I will bet they will say sorry even though it's plainly you're fault so there you see the idea of the sorry game it makes shopping more fun some times even doing the jack --- routine with the electric shopping carts where you lose control of the cart can be fun knocking over a display lol just our sense of humour now I was in an ice curling team for a short time and we used to play allot with able-bodied people ( standies ) and they used to find it amazing when we used to take the mick out of each other telling you're partner that there disability was holding them back but by doing it in a ruder way than can be typed here now don't get me wrong I've had young kids in the street just stop and look at me and I've had a few kids age around 5 ask ne what's wrong with me and I try to explain with out being to graphic I don't wish to scare them at that age to think you can brake you're neck is a scary thing at that age and a few times they will not believe me but that's fine that's how they cope with it but I have also had a couple of times what I though could be trouble when quite the opposite has happens example going to the local shops 21:30 when a number of both male/females on bmx's messing around on the pavement and road ahead of me gave me a tingle on the back of my neck ready for some kinda laughter to come my way when the one making the most noise actually told some of the others to make room for me to pass and even asked very politely with out any sarcasm if I was ok and wished me all the best as I went on my way and not a single sniffer behind my back as they went on making their noise and having fun now why can't every one be like that just carry on making noise having fun but when the time calls for it see the person in the chair or the person with difficulties and make way or lend a helping hand even a quick question of are you ok,well or do you need a bit of help it let's the person with the disability know they do still exist that people do see them I'm still here but that's my experience and I've been on the whole very lucky and even though I can't stand up straight I do stand up for my self phew long bit of typing there I'm so glad of the iPad touch screen when I'm only able to type with one hand lol well I wish you all the the very best.
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Joined: April 2, 2011
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Posted: Post subject: |
`You have had it bad.Yeah people talk to me like i am a bit of nada.I can not see that well i have to feel my way around shops and the shop keeper did not get but i cud not see that well and sed i will phone the cops to his friend.
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 youbetheanchor (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Nope! I can honestly say I've never been made fun of (to my face) and I've had CP my whole life. That would be because kids learned early on that if they took a jab at me, they'd get the s--- whacked out if their shins with my forearm canes. Got into trouble a few times in grade school but it was all worth it :)
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Joined: July 12, 2011
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`Well good for you! I wouldn't say you got in trouble over it, you were just asserting yourself and letting someone know you won't take any guff! And if I were the teacher or whoever, I would just smile and say, "You go girl" and then just look the other way!
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 potter14u (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Hi My pet hate is shallow ignorant people who sometimes use disabled folks as an exscuse to knock & bully them. I dont have a severe disability but it is still taking me some time to get used to it. I was walking in town last week & 2 youths walked past me,& said a remark about my left hand & they both started laughing, I am sorry I was not as strong as you guy's so I went up to the big one & hit him with the two knuckles i have left just to prove to him that I can still use it. His friend did not want to know, so he waited for his friend to wake up. I walked away with mixed feelings, Was I right to lash out, or is it just because I am still coming to terms with losing two fingers. Always remember the ones who bully or intimidate you are a lower form of life than you, walk away others will judge them. I promise to do the same once I get a handle on it. Head up peeps. Later Roy.
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