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Lonely, but not living alone

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April 7, 2008
Posts: 1

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I live with my parents, my nephew, his girlfriend and my cat, and it's like I'm the only one here sometimes. I am an outgoing, friendly and intelligent woman, and yet, I feel so isolated it's starting to really get to me. I can't get out much anymore because I lost my ride back in April with the MTA Mobility Van Service. I am also unemployed, naturally. I'm at a real standstill, here. I'm just wondering how one can keep thining positive during a time like this. I know I'm having a real rough time right now. Any suggestions? :)

Take care,

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September 7, 2008
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`Wheels , I know what it is like to be lonley with others around. I hope you got my emails . I am NOT gay, just want to be friends. I sent you a couple of emails, hope that you got them. I suppose living with your relatives , they see you as disabled, but not as a person who is more capable than incapable. You need to see yourself in a different light. Chances are they are not going to help you do that, (but reletives are slow to change) I was emailing a man who is in a wheelchair and could not talk, (he lived with his sister) but now he's got a new love who is going to move in with him soon, but I miss him terribly, but I am happy for him. It took me a while to convince him that what he had to offer someone was much better than what he did not have. I also have a disabled son who cannot talk. I am a great believer in prayer and will pray for you even if you don't write me back, but I hope you do. thanks!

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May 3, 2009
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`wheels the mind is a 3 pound universe, i know that's easy for me to say.
What i would do some times is, close my eyes for a moment open them and think "what if" that was my world --- it is so many.
Ther's so much in life for you to foccus on (ie telly dvd's pc wildlife the news etc)
Hope i haven't peefed you off.

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May 3, 2009
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October 16, 2009
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`lol.gurl, im in the same boat as u.it always amaze me that i live on this planet surrounded by billions of ppl,yet ..i still feel alone. i always heard that there some1 4 every 1...mmm...i think the jury is still out on that 1. when ur a child u believe in easter bunny 2 monsters under ur bed,but u know theres always going 2 b some1 there 2 protect u.but as u grow up n u know better..u also learn that no 1 isnt going 2 be there 4 u in the end

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