historybuff07 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: How 33 $ saved me! (a true story) |
Hey guys!
Seeing as nobody put up a post for dating ideas yet, I thought I'd be a pioneer and share a story with you tonight. (take a few seconds and get comfortable )
Well if your as oblivious to the dating world as I am, you probably believe that a great date consists of black ties, limos and a ton of cheap lines taken from some movie you saw last thursday (yes yes I've done it too ). Little did I know that dating really had nothing to do with looks or money. I'm pretty sure if we pulled a survey here 9 on 10 girls would probably agree a great date is founded on conversation AND creativity!.
Thus the backdrop to our story this evening, I was 21 at the time making my way through school while washing dishes part-time so limos and roses were really out of reach given the circumstance. But a great friend of mine always says "the answer is in the enviorment" and anticipation is created not purchased he'd say....so there I was on some ratty bus making my way home, I was the proud owner of a white washed Nike shirt and 33.64 $...I saw a girl who I knew a little because our circles crossed paths on campus but besides her name and minor interests I really knew nothing about her.
So I found myself exchanging useless pleasentries exams, school and how life was going. We got off at the same stop sharing what was our first real conversation so I took a chance and invited her to join me for coffee while we waited for the next bus to arrive. we talked about a myraid of subjects but as that silence drifted in...I began talking about odd little facts I read about the night before (God Bless Wikipedia!) next thing I knew we were talking about numerology so I asked her what her faveroite number was and she said 3! I then asked if she'd like to go on an adventure with me, out of curiosity she agreed to the bizzare proposition.
I got her to stand up close her eyes point and spin around 3 times, we started walking in the direction she pointed out until we found ourselves on yet another bus (ofcourse I had no idea where we were going!?) but we got off at the 3rd stop...(sheeez now what) remember "the answer is in the enviorment) there it was yes a grocery store! (bet Romeo never thought of that one - I told her she had three minutes to grab whatever she wanted and began rushing her in a teasing tone. luckily it cost me a grand total of (drumroll) 33 bucks (whew)....we walked a while and found a small park, I put my jacket down and began a picnic with the junk we'd bought...we spent hours talking and laughing about how fun the night had been....
well guys I'm 27 today and til this day she still claims that was the best date she'd ever had. The important thing about dating ideas is not how far you get or how much you spend....its about creating a memory and painting a new perspective in his or her eyes.
I'd love to hear about your stories so please feel free to post below and introduce your thoughts!
all the best!