Joined: January 26, 2015
Posts: 7
Posted: Post subject: More dating tips |
If “dating with disabilities” is a boundary you are ready to cross, here are three things to keep in mind.
1. The heart works just fine, even if some body parts don’t. Romantic love depends on intangible qualities that can be affected by a person’s physical condition—but usually aren’t. Loyalty, kindness, understanding, forgiveness, humor—none of these suffer at all from bodily limitations. In the big picture of love and romance, internals far outrank externals in importance.
2. But don’t be naïve about the limitations dating with disabilities does impose. Be realistic. Account for the realities of the disability when planning dates together. Be honest with yourself and each other about the limitations a disability might bring to a relationship. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone—just keep your feet on the ground when you do so.
3. Above all, talk! By openly discussing the physical challenges as a couple, you’ll be working to overcome a far more common (and destructive) kind of dating disability: lack of communication. It may be a little awkward to talk about a disability at first, but that’s a hundred times better than avoiding the subject.