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wheres the "hello,welcome" ? wheres the love?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: wheres the "hello,welcome" ? wheres the love?

upon discovering disabled passions,i also dicovered there were a lot of others.pen-pal passions,chat passions,etc. i signed up with a total of 17 different passions sites according to my interest.not even so much as a "hello,welcome" from anybody on ANY site,INCLUDING DISABLED PASSIONS!.i did get 1 email after sending out OVER 20 my first day on the site inviting people to be email buddies and/or pen-pals. i just signed off the accounts of the other "passions" sites i was on. im still on this one only because JUST ONE PERSON was kind enough to show enough common courtesy enough to respond to my email. i have just lost a hell of a lot more faith in mankind. the kindness part is sorely lacking.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Apply the same rules here as you would in the outer world: Unless your profile contained a picture of a beautiful woman offering casual sex, or a handsome man offering services as a sugar daddy....its going to be slow going. Hang in there and you will eventually succeed. As you noticed, after 20 or more emails, you did finally get something for your effort.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: wheres the love?

hey,man,tell me something-what the hell is the world coming to when i would have to resort to that just to get people to say hello? i could see if i was trying to get them to GIVE ME SOMETHING-or if i was trying to take something from them.i have given up even THE HOPE of finding a relationship on this particular site,much less make friends.but what does it cost anyone just to say hello? is it a lack of common courtesy? general overall apathy? or do people really just not give a damn about their fellow man anymore,as my neighbor is so fond of saying? what do YOU think? all of the above?

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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Speaking from a webmaster's perspective...if you want people to reply to messages and/or contact you first, you really need to have at least one photo in your account.

More than one photo is better, because then everyone can see more of your personality represented in different expressions.

Please note that you do not have to be handsome or beautiful to enjoy the benefits that come from having a photo...all you have to do is have a real photo.

People tend to ignore profiles without photos.



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March 1, 2011
Posts: 14

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`Well I'm new but uh, hello and welcome? smile. Says there is 377 new members but I've hardly seen any of the old ones. One person did say hi to me, thought that was pretty nice but yeah kind of wondering if there is like a certain section where everyone hangs out or if everyone is just looking to date and hasn't time to make friends. I guess you're best bet is to put yourself out there first I dunno but you are right you would think you would get some sort of Hi.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

deviousbritches wrote: `Well I'm new but uh, hello and welcome? smile. Says there is 377 new members but I've hardly seen any of the old ones. One person did say hi to me, thought that was pretty nice but yeah kind of wondering if there is like a certain section where everyone hangs out or if everyone is just looking to date and hasn't time to make friends. I guess you're best bet is to put yourself out there first I dunno but you are right you would think you would get some sort of Hi.

Yes you are right there should be someone to say hello and greet each new member as they log on. but to be honest, I belong to 13 other sites within the passions network, this has more traffic then some of the others and yet it has very little, Large passion it seems has way more then this site. but this site has far more the computer passion so you see it's all a matter of where you are at when the populous chat. b ut in any case welcome and hope you all find just what you are looking for. Fats

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October 16, 2009
Posts: 69

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well, ive been here for 1yr n 5months n had a few hits nothin serious. but i have faith that luv will find a way, keep the faith that god will give to those who believe n wait on him.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`amen deloris....and hello to everyone

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April 27, 2011
Posts: 16

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`it's everywhere.i'm almost ashamed to tell people how long i've been on internet sites looking.it's always the same;unless you are on a site which caters to mail-order brides and their admirers.

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