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August 11, 2012
Posts: 13

PostPosted:     Post subject: e-mail
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So here I am, writing letters for a few weeks and now I receive a message that my profile needs to be above 50%. I've completed well more than 50%.

What gives? I think I've shared enough information.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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You must have over 50% of all profiles in your account completed in order to access email.

The easiest way to find the areas that need work is to click the Progress Bar link in the Account area.

In particular, click the link under the Progress Bar that will show you all the sites in your account, and the percentage completed in each one.

It will also tell you the sections that are missing within each site so that you can find the area that needs work.



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August 11, 2012
Posts: 13

PostPosted:     Post subject: e-mail
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That's bogus.
My profile is the same for all sites. Reentering is a waste of time.

Another matter comes up when I attempt to send mail. I'm required to LOG IN.
Guess what? I'm already LOGGED IN.

I come here via Disabled Passions. Do you know what? You make this more difficult rather than serving your users. On occassion, I've had to log in, return to my original page to contact taht person and I need to log in again. Something's screwing and it's not me.


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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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First, your profile should not be the same for every site, as it is against the rules, and we'll discuss that in a moment.

If you are not comfortable filling out the information required for multiple sites, then the solution is simple...only have one site in your account.

Passions Network is unique in that it is the only network that allows you to have a single account management system for any number of sites.

While there is a single account management system, that doesn't mean that members can just copy the same information over and over into different sites.

(In fact, as stated above, and in our TERMS area, that is against the rules, and is grounds for account deletion.)

The idea behind the network is that each site in the network is focused on a different group of people who all share something in common.

So, if you join Yoga Passions, and write a great description about how much you like yoga, that will work great there...but if you put the same description into Reading Passions, and Atheist Passions, and Nerd Passions, you will not be speaking to the people on those sites.

Again, the idea here is to make it easy for people to meet other people they share something in common with...so in the examples above, you should write a description about yoga for Yoga Passions, a description about what you like to read and/or are reading now for Reading Passions, and how you feel about organized religion, or your choice to be Atheist for Atheist Passions.

You are the same person on each site, but you are reflecting different aspects of yourself that should make it easier to break the ice with the other members of those sites.

Keep in mind your basic profile data is the same on all sites (ie. height, weight, age, s----l orientation, location). It is only the descriptions, Groups, videos and/or books that are unique to the other sites in your account. And again, it is set up this way to make it easier for people to connect around shared interests.

It would seem somewhat odd to be on Trek Passions (a site focused on Science Fiction), and find a member profile description that only talked about how great yoga is.

But, again, we do not force members to add multiple sites into their accounts.

If you think it is 'bogus' that we require a minimum of 50% profile completion before you contact members on a site, try and look at it from the other member's perspective. Would you want to receive an email from someone who doesn't seem to care enough to fill out their profile?

Our recommendation is that you start slow, and only add a new site after you have finished filling out all the info. on one.

We provide a HUGE number of options for members (all for free), but with these options come some rules to try and make the network work for everyone.

Now, about your logout problem.

First, if you are using Internet Explorer, then that is highly likely to make things more difficult for you.

If you use Internet Explorer, you see a big red warning on the account page everytime you login, letting you know that due to 'issues' with IE, you will run into multiple login problems.

We HIGHLY recommend our members download either Firefox, Chrome or Safari.

Once you are working with any of those browsers, our system should allow you to jump between sites without multiple logins. Keep in mind that you should use the JUMP menu, located in the far upper right of the Account page to do this. The menu displays all the sites in your account, which makes it easy to jump around as you see fit.

We hope that helps explain how we view things, and we hope the JUMP menu suggestion helps with the login problem you described.

If you continue to have trouble, please use the CONTACT US form listed in the HELP tab area to send us more detailed information, and we'll have tech support look into your issue further.



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