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New Friends....Hardly!!
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January 29, 2005
Posts: 9

PostPosted:     Post subject: New Friends....Hardly!!
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I have been here for awhile and have found that not many want to reply back when a message has been sent. I truly believe that if a person wants a friend, or mate, it is only fair to answer. This site is free, and it can be great if all help to make it work.
I am not disabled in ways that some of you on here are. I came here looking for friends,and it seems that I might be wasting my time. I plan on staying here for awhile yet, hoping that someone will take the time to at least write and say..."".sorry I am not interested"".
I would like to see other leave a comment, if they feel the same way..

Thanks..((( River))
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March 19, 2006
Posts: 6

PostPosted:     Post subject: Blatant disrespect or fear of the unknown?
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I believe that all people fall under a variety of personality trait catagories and it seems to be a fact that personality changes tend to happen when there is a traumatic event in our lives. One way of coping with disabilities is to become withdrawn or at least much more cautious with their choices. My best advice to everyone is to be upfront with their intentions when replying and for the rest to be respectful and mindful to the choices made. Being upset with a lack of response will only push away those that don't like being under pressure and may build a wall preventing even the interested from replying.

Time is both our enemy and our protector.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I'm new here but thought maybe I would comment on this one. I have my highs and lows with that which affects me as I am sure many others do.

Sometimes, when I see messages in my inbox, I save them off to the side at times to reply to them when my mental state will allow me to properly. Of course when I do it in this fashion it is at least within a few days. But this is just as I do it, it is also possible sometimes that the others don't seem to log in for awhile, which I found out requires a great amount of patience from experience on other places with replies..

I am not that eloquaint with my wording to explain it any better but I hope my 2 cents is just that, and soon you will have enough to do laundry.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I think people could at least say hello or something back. Your right if they are not interested they should at least say something.
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April 12, 2006
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject: Finding Friends & HELLO
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Hello to one & all !! I'm new to actually using this site after signing up a while back.
I've been looking at 'profiles', etc. tonight, and I can't find anyone even remotely close to my location. Are 'disabled' generally too self consious to join this or any other site?? I'm curious 'cause I would be more than grateful to find my Princess, disabled be damn*d. I have osteo A & have disc damage in my neck & lumbar spine. (burning the candle at both ends? LoL),. With physio, & massage & T.E.N.S. & Meds, I manage not too badly. I also have uni-polar Depression, Tourettes, & maybe a couple other quirks. All controlled by meds., meditation, relaxation, & therapy. Getting bored to death when I hurt too much to hardly move is a 'fun' time passer. So, If I had a Lady, I would feel better & 'Lady, you will be my Queen'.
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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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Just a reminder to everyone, that the site is still kindof in it's early stages. While it's been officially 'launched' for over a year, we've been putting all our attention into building out the features of the site (like the new chat system added last week)...and we really haven't focused much on the advertising/promotion of the site.

The lack of people in a specific location is probably not due to any hesitation to join, by people in that area...they probably just don't know about us yet.

We are going to focus more on getting the word out in the next few months though, and on that note, we'd like to encourage everyone to tell their friends about the site.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Well welcome to the world of internet dating!!

No replys has nothing to do with being disabled or not. I've hooked up with dozens of sites over the past 4 or 5 years and this happens on every site. Most folks don't want to waist there time conversing with anyone out of there area. But very very few will actually say this in their profiles.So instead of replying,they delete the message.Internet dating doesn't work for everyone.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

As a very new member I cant comment yet but will see how it goes.
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December 10, 2005
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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I've tried the "no thank you" approach in a few different places and I find that about 50% of guys won't take no for an answer. It tends to degenerate with the guy asking "but why?" or begging for my interest (and no, I'm not that hot). The fact of the matter is that absolutely no one is attractive to every single person s/he meets. I wonder how many of us really want to hear the "here's why you're not attractive to me" list. I sure don't!
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: help

can sum1 any1 tell me how dis works
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Hi all, newbie here. I am just trying to figure out how to use the site and look forward to reading more posts and making some new friends.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: No reply Syndrom

I think we all have a streak of shyness,we all get tired ,fustrated etc. But
my mom said "If you want to get letters .you gotta write letters". I really
dont see how this forum system works.You cant tell a book by it's cover' applies to 'threads' as well . I still get lost and I've been here twice. the elephant in the room is ? no I can say it . Not flame proof. Just keep tryin
at least you don't have to brush your teeth befor loggin on
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October 16, 2009
Posts: 69

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: to: river to hope

i just joined this site and although im a straight guy,if its conversation you want ,i would be happy to write to you.im very discouraged with what i have seen here so far,but i have an obligation to lead by example.so if you dont mind corresponding with a guy,im looking for friends for a email buddy and/or pen-pal situation.my opinion,with all due respect to everyone on this site,some people are just too picky and choosy when it comes to who they will correspond with.but we are online,so i feel the risk is minimal.common courtesy and decency dictates that i MUST RESPOND to ANYONE who writes me,whether im personally interested in them or not.i can always make my interest(or lack thereof)in them clear upon my response in a respectful manner.

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March 1, 2011
Posts: 14

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`I myself think you should treat others as you wish to be treated so I reply or at least try to. Just figured out how to do so on here. saw a message but no place to reply then by accident I figured it out yay me haha

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