Joined: January 13, 2016
Posts: 4
Posted: Post subject: Hi Everybody |
I don't know how to introduce myself.
Who are you?
When you reply to, “Who are you?”
You may echo a name or two.
Although, it is the answer due;
It does not really give a clue.
Suppose we try to answer true,
The probing question, “Who are you?”
“We are entangled with milieu,
And, we acquire our genes from two.”
While this attempt is not untrue,
It gives no answer, not a clue.
Because for everyone thereto,
It fails to answer, “Who are you?”
Is there an answer to construe
That can report an actual view?
A biographical review
Is at most an overview.
The best that we can ever do
Is live and love the social crew
With whom we often rendezvous,
That do not ask, “Who are you?”
Everyone leaves a footprint.