Joined: May 13, 2013
Posts: 7
Posted: Post subject: Help with Research Study |
I am currently conducting research regarding
Generation Y with disabilities and relationships on social media along with my colleague Christiaan Kier. If you are interested, please take 15 minutes
of your time to fill out our survey. We would greatly appreciate your help with this.
1. You must be between 18 and 36 years old (born between 1977 to 1995)
2. You must have a disability (any type: physical, mental; including depression, PTSD, HIV)
3. You have used social media
After you are done, please invite
other people you know who may
be interested in sharing their opinions.
Thank you!
Cynthia Serrata and Christiaan Kier
The University of Texas-Pan American
IRB # 2013-022-03