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Has anyone been afraid of thier caregiver?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Has anyone been afraid of thier caregiver?

That is the question. I live in a place for the disabled. Most of the caregivers are 'well-meaning'. There are a few though, that use thier position, to intimidate us. My question is, has anyone else felt the same way, and how did you either 'deal' with it, or 'resolve' it? Thank you, for reading my forum.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I think this is a sad situation that you are in lady. You are supposed to feel safe and comfortable in this facility that you are living in. If there is any type of abuse you have the right to report it confidently. I just started working with a company that provides service to the disabled and they told me to report abuse if i see or hear it from other staff members working with the disabled clients. I hope you make the right choice and get this resolved asap.

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September 26, 2011
Posts: 1

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`hi this is friend131
report this you should not be afrade of were you live

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`My stepson lives with me. He's been here from before my wife went into a nursing home(only her body is alive now). He continues to stay, at my expense, but oh my, has it been hard to get him to stick to our agreement (which he finally has done). He can stay so long as he does errands (get food; things like that) and X-basic house keeping (mainly to feed the cat and do the sand box).
I can get my own food, so that is not an issue. But Oh my, what a job it was to keep after him. He'd live on Doritos corn chips and play video games all day otherwise.
My wife, tho is in good hands. I have arrived at unusual times, and since she used to work there, they are used to seeing me, so I arrive as I please and can see she is not being maltreated.
My only worry is, that anyone can walk in and enter a pt's room. Maybe only because my photos of me and her are in her room they all, including the new staff, know me.
I guess then this hinges on which place is involved.

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January 26, 2012
Posts: 5

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`I've been afraid of my caregivers before, although, not in a long time...when I was about 7 yrs old I was abused by my caregiver at school and because of this, today I let nobody push me around. WE HAVE RIGHTS AND WE MUST FIGHT FOR THEM. And if we can't speak up for ourselves we need to find someone who will speak on our behalf.

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