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Flutter......my Castors, not my heartstrings.

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Posted:     Post subject: Flutter......my Castors, not my heartstrings.

Hi, this is more of a guy-related, mechanically inclined question....(or for the girl of my freakin' dreams).

I'm in the process of rebuilding my second manual chair. And I'm glad I did, as the bearings were craptastic and the guy who put it together musta owned stock in the Locktite corporation. ABEC-1 bearings if you can beleive it, and sheilded, not sealed. I replaced those right quick

I think we're overpaying for wheelchairs if you ask me. I think I'm gonna get a buddy who owns a TIG welder to knock off the aluminum frame for my next one and build the rest from aftermarket components and whatever I can build with my own tools.

But I digress from the point at hand.

Does anyone know how to reduce the tendancy of the castor wheels to flutter at high speed? I do a bit of cardio in my chair, road-work, no more than an hour at a time, but I definitely get flutter in the castors on the downhills, and even on the straights after the bearings start to heat up, depending on the temperature of the day and how much gas I've got to work with in my arms.

I don't think this should happen as even on the downhills I don't go faster than your average ten speed.

This is really annoying as I've done the superman a few times and and while I'm not worried about losing a little skin, it's really embarrassing when people pull their vehicles over to help me get back into my chair and are ready to call an ambulance.

I'm glad for the great many good hearted people in this world, but just cuz I'm crippled-up now doesn't mean I'm suddenly made of bone china.

I've been thinking about machining a delrin spacer to go on the castor axle in place of one of the roller bearings........Does anyone have any other ideas?

I'd like to be sure before I pull out the drill press, as since I now live in an apartment and the neighbors get antsy when I use tools.

Shoulda' heard the commtion last time I fired up the table saw, I damn near got evicted.

Serves me right for moving into a building full of old people I guess.

This is the only today you will ever have, it never comes back, and you don't get a second chance. If that doesn't frighten you into action.....consider this......This could be all there is......and you are getting older by the second....and soon you will die. Don't waste time. Live a large life....and Love like CRAZY.
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