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Anyone ever hurt someone without meaning to?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Anyone ever hurt someone without meaning to?

I did. Not sure how it got so out of my control. Guess I wasn't as ready as I thought. I foolishly thought we were friends & were taking things slow, so I continued to talk to other people too. I ended up hurting the one guy I really didn't want to hurt.

Now, I'm filled with self disgust & guilt. I do that a lot. I just assume I deserve all the bad reactions I get. The silent treatments, distrust, yelling, so on. It takes me a really long time to start thinking good about myself again. I apologize for everything. Whether or not it's my fault. This time I know it was my fault. I should have been clearer, handled things better. I didn't mean to hurt him, & now I live with the knowledge that I might have done harm that can not be undone. To be honest, I was actually close to bringing harm to myself. I hate when I get like that. So damn insecure & self hating that it doesn't matter what is said or done.......... I will live with this guilt & hate for a long time now.....

I guess I just wonder if anyone else has this kind of self hatred....

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I am wondering if you have been diagnosed with a mental illness because those sound similar to symptoms of mental illness.

Other than that I think God has different things happen in your life for a reason. You might not like what happened at this moment but there will probably come a time when you will realize that things didn't work out because there was some other plans for you. It could be that some other guy would be better for you, or that guy is the one but it just isn't the right time in both your lives, or there might be a career change or move. Just my thoughts.

Yes it is painful for now and that sucks but soon it will pass.

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